Daily Adventure Challenge

In reflecting on 2022 and the past several years, I have made great strides to create more room for adventure in my daily life. From working remotely, living out of my car, and living near National Parks, I was able to create an abundance of new opportunities for adventures. However, adventures don’t always need to be grandiose, and it’s sometimes not feasible. You can’t constantly take backpacking trips or jet set off to Europe. There are opportunities to create small adventures in our daily lives. No matter where you are, whether you can see it right now or not, there is the opportunity for adventure in front of you.

Whether it be a walk in a park, a day at the ski hill, trying a new exercise class, signing up for a lecture at a local museum, or trying a new restaurant, the opportunities to create adventure are endless. Try to think outside of the box of your daily norms. Try a new experience or activity and get excited about finding new opportunities. And overall, live each day to the fullest.

I am challenging myself to incorporate a mini adventure into every day in 2023, starting with a sunrise summit to kick off the New Year and recording my mini adventures every day. I challenge you to do the same. Sharing what adventures you liked, didn’t like, and the lessons you learned. As Helen Keller said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” So let’s start living adventurously in 2023!


Your bucket list visit to Moraine Lake may be harder than ever.


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